Career Coaching

Not sure what you want to study? Our coaches help you delve deep and discover your natural gifts and talents. By combining psychology, personality, and many other factors, our formula provides you with a list of careers that focus on your strengths and passions, as well as universities that best suit your needs.


Life Skills

Get ready for the “real” world. Here from specialists and learn about:

  • What to look for in credit cards, and how to maintain a good credit score rating
  • How to manage your student loans
  • How to apply for auto loans
  • How to price out auto and health insurance
  • How to apply for apartments
  • How to balance a check book
  • How to manage your finances
  • How to clean up your credit score
  • and much more!!


Business Coaching

Designed for entrepreneurs. Work with licensed business coaches to learn the technical and psychological tools to running a profitable and efficient business.

